Here is a list of all documented namespace members with links to the namespaces they belong to:
- a -
- b -
- c -
- d -
- e -
- f -
- fixedSharedPathPenalty
: Avoid
- g -
- GapType
: dialect
- generateVariables()
: cola
- generateVariablesAndConstraints()
: cola
- h -
- i -
- idealNudgingDistance
: Avoid
- identifyRootNode()
: dialect
- improveHyperedgeRoutesMovingAddingAndDeletingJunctions
: Avoid
- improveHyperedgeRoutesMovingJunctions
: Avoid
- j -
- l -
- m -
- n -
- NodeIndexes
: cola
- Nodes
: topology
- nudgeOrthogonalSegmentsConnectedToShapes
: Avoid
- nudgeOrthogonalTouchingColinearSegments
: Avoid
- nudgeSharedPathsWithCommonEndPoint
: Avoid
- o -
- p -
- partition()
: dialect
- peel()
: dialect
- penaliseOrthogonalSharedPathsAtConnEnds
: Avoid
- performUnifyingNudgingPreprocessingStep
: Avoid
- PolyLine
: Avoid
- PolyLineRouting
: Avoid
- portDirectionPenalty
: Avoid
- possibleCardinalDirections()
: dialect
- projectOntoCCs()
: cola
- r -
- s -
- t -
- TransactionPhaseCompleted
: Avoid
- TransactionPhaseCrossingDetection
: Avoid
- TransactionPhaseOrthogonalNudgingX
: Avoid
- TransactionPhaseOrthogonalNudgingY
: Avoid
- TransactionPhaseOrthogonalVisibilityGraphScanX
: Avoid
- TransactionPhaseOrthogonalVisibilityGraphScanY
: Avoid
- TransactionPhaseRerouteSearch
: Avoid
- TransactionPhaseRouteSearch
: Avoid
- TransactionPhases
: Avoid
- TransformationType_CW180
: Avoid
- TransformationType_CW270
: Avoid
- TransformationType_CW90
: Avoid
- TransformationType_FlipX
: Avoid
- TransformationType_FlipY
: Avoid
- TreeRoutingType
: dialect
- u -
- UnsatisfiableConstraintInfos
: cola
- v -
- w -
- x -
- y -