Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cdialect::ACALayoutImplements the Adaptive Constrained Alignment (ACA) algorithm
 Cdialect::AestheticBendA bend point deliberately added to a connector route, for aesthetic reasons
 Cdialect::ArrangementRepresents the arrangement of all Nbrs around a centre node
 Cdialect::AssignmentRepresents an assignment of nbrs to semiaxes, and records the cost of this assignment
 Ctopology::AvoidTopologyAddonThis class can be passed to libavoid to extend it to provide orthogonal topology improvement functionality
 Cdialect::BendSequenceA data structure for managing sequences of bend types, points at which these bends should occur (in a given Chain), cost of such a sequence of bends (for a given Chain), and incoming and outgoing Compass directions, for non-cycles
 Cdialect::BoundingBoxA bounding box, given by the extreme coordinates
 CAvoid::BoxA bounding box, represented by the top-left and bottom-right corners
 Ccola::BoxA box consisting of four edge values for representing padding or margins for rectangles
 Cdialect::ChainA Chain is a sequence of degree-2 Nodes, possibly forming a cycle
 CAvoid::CheckpointA checkpoint is a point that the route for a particular connector must visit. They may optionally be given an arrival/departure direction
 Ccola::ClusterA cluster defines a hierarchical partitioning over the nodes which should be kept disjoint by the layout somehow
 Ccola::ConvexClusterDefines a cluster that will be treated as a convex boundary around the child nodes and clusters
 Ccola::RectangularClusterDefines a rectangular cluster, either variable-sized with floating sides or a fixed size based on a particular rectangle
 Ccola::RootClusterHolds the cluster hierarchy specification for a diagram
 CAvoid::ClusterRefCluster object
 Cdialect::ColaGraphRepBundles those data structures required in order to represent a Graph in libcola, and to map infomration between the libcola and libdialect representations
 Cdialect::ColaOptionsProvides a simple way to set any or all of the various optional arguments to libcola layout methods
 Ccola::CompoundConstraintAn abstract base class for all high-level compound constraints
 Ccola::AlignmentConstraintAn alignment constraint specifies a alignment line that a set of nodes must be constrained to by an exact amount
 Ccola::BoundaryConstraintA boundary constraint specifies a bounding line that a set of nodes must be either to the left or right of
 Ccola::DistributionConstraintA distribution constraint specifies an ordered set of alignment constraints and a fixed separation required between them
 Ccola::FixedRelativeConstraintA fixed-relative constraint specifies that a group of nodes are constrained to be fixed in position relative to each other
 Ccola::MultiSeparationConstraintA multi-separation constraint Specifies a set of horizontal or vertical equal spacing constraints between pairs of alignment constraints
 Ccola::PageBoundaryConstraintsA page boundary contraint specifies constraints that attempt to keep the given nodes within a defined rectangular region
 Ccola::SeparationConstraintA separation constraint specifies a simple horizontal or vertical spacing constraint between 2 nodes or alignment constraints
 CAvoid::ConnEndDifferent possible endpoints for connectors
 CAvoid::ConnRefConnector object
 Ccola::ConstrainedFDLayoutImplements a constrained force-directed layout algorithm
 Ccola::ConstrainedMajorizationLayoutImplements the Constrained Majorization graph layout algorithm (deprecated)
 Cvpsc::ConstraintA constraint determines a minimum or exact spacing required between two Variable objects
 Cdialect::EdgeEdges in a graph
 CAvoid::EdgeA line between two points
 Ctopology::EdgeTopology representation of an edge
 Cdialect::EdgeSegmentRepresents an axis-aligned segment of an orthogonal connector route
 Cdialect::ExpansionGoalThe ExpansionGoal class
 Cdialect::ExpansionManagerThe ExpansionManager class
 Cdialect::FaceRepresents a single face of a 4-planar, orthogonal layout
 Cdialect::GraphGraphs consisting of nodes and edges
 CAvoid::HyperedgeNewAndDeletedObjectListsStores lists of objects created and deleted during hyperedge improvement
 CAvoid::HyperedgeRerouterConvenience object that can be used to register hyperedges to be rerouted, improving the placement of their junctions and connector paths
 CAvoid::JunctionRefFixed or free-floating point that connectors can be attached to
 Cdialect::LeaflessOrthoRouterDoes a special orthogonal routing in a graph having no leaves, ensuring that at least two distinct sides of every node are used as connection points. This is useful if we later wish to planarise the layout, since it ensures that no node will become a leaf in that process
 Ccola::LockA Lock specifies a required position for a node
 Cdialect::Matrix2d< T >Dense 2d array, with integer indices
 Cdialect::Matrix2d< int >
 Cdialect::Matrix2d< size_t >
 Cdialect::NbrRepresents a neighbouring node to a central node
 Cdialect::NearbyObjectFinder< T >
 Cdialect::NodeNodes in a graph
 Cdialect::GhostNodeA GhostNode represents another Node
 Cdialect::PeeledNodeA PeeledNode is a type of GhostNode, used in the peeling process
 Ctopology::NodeTopology representation for a node
 Cdialect::NodeIdCmpUseful for set operations on Node lookups
 Cdialect::OrthoHubLayoutA layout object that tries to orthogonalise hubs. This means it visits nodes of degrees 3 or higher, and tries to set their neighbours in cardinal compass directions from it
 Cdialect::OrthoHubLayoutOptionsOptions to control OrthoHubLayout
 CAvoid::PointDefines a point in the plane
 CAvoid::PolygonInterfaceA common interface used by the Polygon classes
 CAvoid::PolygonA dynamic Polygon, to which points can be easily added and removed
 CAvoid::RectangleA Rectangle, a simpler way to define the polygon for square or rectangular shapes
 CAvoid::ReferencingPolygonA Polygon which just references its points from other Polygons
 Ccola::PreIterationA default functor that is called before each iteration in the main loop of the ConstrainedFDLayout::run() method
 Cdialect::QuadRepresents a quadrant, relative to a central node
 Cvpsc::RectangleA rectangle represents a fixed-size shape in the diagram that may be moved to prevent overlaps and satisfy constraints
 Ccola::ResizeA Resize specifies a new required bounding box for a node
 CAvoid::RouterLibavoid router instance
 Cdialect::RoutingAdapterAdapter to easily apply libavoid::Routers to libdialect::Graphs
 CAvoid::ShapeConnectionPinFixed point or "pin" on a shape that can be connected to
 CAvoid::ShapeRefShape object
 Cdialect::SideA side of a Face. E.g. a rectangular Face has four Sides: north, south, east, and west
 Cvpsc::SolverStatic solver for Variable Placement with Separation Constraints problem instance
 Cvpsc::IncSolverIncremental solver for Variable Placement with Separation Constraints problem instance
 Cdialect::StemRepresents a leaf node, along with its one edge and neighbour
 Ccola::TestConvergenceA default functor that is called after each iteration of the layout algorithm
 Ccola::TopologyAddonInterfaceInterface for writing COLA addons to handle topology preserving layout
 Ctopology::ColaTopologyAddonThis class can be passed to libcola to replace some functionality to provide topology preserving layout
 Ccola::UnsatisfiableConstraintInfoInfo about constraints that could not be satisfied in gradient projection process
 Cvpsc::VariableA variable is comprised of an ideal position, final position and a weight
 Ccola::VariableIDMapHolds a mapping between two sets of Variable indices